Wednesday 27 January 2016

Noel Gallagher And Russell Brand Argue About Hairstyles, Intelligence And More

In another West Ham TV exclusive, comedian Russell Brand and music legend Noel Gallagher are the latest duo to take part in our Me and Him feature.

Following on from our amusing series with the West Ham United players where they reveal all about each other's personalities, Brand and Gallagher are the latest pair to go under the spotlight.

The two stars were back at the Boleyn Ground on Saturday in a historic final season for the east London club.

West Ham superfan Brand and his City rival Gallagher have been close friends for a number of years, but how well do they really know each other?

Find out who is the most intelligent, who has the best hair, who has the best taste in music and who would sell out the new Stadium if they were doing a gig next season.

Click here to watch the video.


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