Quotes From Liam Gallagher's And John Squire Interview For Apple Music


Liam Gallagher and John Squire joined Zane Lowe yesterday to talk about Just Another Rainbow and more, listen to it here (subscription required)

Below are some quotes from it

Liam Gallagher on touring: "We’ve got a bass player, we’ve got a drummer, we’ve got a keyboard player on hold and that if we need it. We’re going to try and tackle it without a keyboard player [or] piano player and give it a bit of b*llocks, mate.

"A bit of rawness to it, but if it needs it, it needs it. But yeah, we’re going out on tour. We’re going to go and do some gigs, see what happens, and try to inspire people and make people happy. That’s it really. And then do another one."

Liam Gallagher on the album: “There’s 10 [songs] on the album, but we’ve done eight. We demoed eight of them in John’s studio and then John done another two songs and we recorded them for the first time.

"Sang them for the first time out in America in LA. It hasn’t got a title as such. It’s just Liam and John, like Liam Gallagher and John Squire, really.”

John Squire: "It's too late. We forgot about a title. It's all been printed"

Liam Gallagher: "The next one will have one now."

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