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More Reviews Of Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds 'Council Skies'

Returning Noel Gallagher to his indie-rock ‘n’ roll roots, ‘Council Skies’ is the songwriter’s first full album in six years. Named after the coffee table book by acclaimed illustrator Pete McKee, ‘Council Skies’ is the highly anticipated fourth studio album from Noel and it’s his first full-length endeavour since 2017’s ‘Who Built the Moon?’. 

Read the review from Clash here.

Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds are back with their fourth studio album titled ‘Council Skies’. The album is a nod to the sound which has made them familiar in the past decade or so, and will likely continue to do so for several more years to come.

Read the review from Manchester World here.

On his fourth album, Noel Gallagher proves why he's been able to forge a consistently compelling solo career.

Read the review from Rolling Stone here.

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