RIDE Confirm European Tour Dates


RIDE are touring in Europe next April & May, tickets are on sale now and available from here.

22nd April - Paris, France - Le Trianon
23rd April - Lille, France - L'Aeronef
24th April - Utrecht, Netherlands - Tivoliredenburg
26th April - Gothenburg, Sweden - Pustervik
29th April - Oslo, Norway - Rockerfeller
30th April - Copenhagen, Denmark - DR Koncerthuset

2nd May - Warsaw, Poland - Proxima
3rd May - Prague, Czech Republic - Lucerna Music Bar
4th May - Berlin, Germany - Metropol
6th May - Vienna, Austria - Wuk
8th May - Munich, Germany - Muffathalle
9th May - Cologne, Germany - Kantine
10th May - Hamburg, Germany - Fabrik

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