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It Happened. It Actually Happened

It happened. It actually happened. After 15 years, the same amount of time between Definitely Maybe's release and the band's violent ending in Paris, we are back up and running! A full UK tour announced today has brought a decade and a half of rumours to a close and next summer, we'll get to see the band live once again!

This summer, for the first time in a while, something felt different about the rumours. We'd grown long in the tooth when it came to Oasis rumours, occasionally starting to hope until a comment from Noel or Liam killed it dead. This time however, despite the protestations from Noel that he had no clue about Liam's plans, and Liam's cryptic tweets, nothing definitively killed the gossip. Over the weekend then, when even some of the biggest UK newspapers posted about an imminent reunion announcement, so many of us refused to believe it. It wasn't until Blossoms and Liam's post-festival messages on the big screens, mirroring the Rock En Seine screens 15 years previously, almost to the day, that we really accepted something was happening.

Fast forward a couple of days, and we were again at our laptops and phones, refreshing for what this would reveal itself to be. For once, the news confirmed everything we'd been told, and frantic conversations began with friends and family about the scramble for tickets, for hotels and beyond. 

What this will look like in 10 months time is anybody's guess. Still no news on bandmates, no definitive evidence that Noel and Liam have spent much time together in the flesh. All to be revealed. In the meantime, we can day dream about that moment the lights go down in a full stadium or field, F*ckin' In The Bushes plays over the PA, and we get to actually watch, actual Oasis, actual Noel and Liam in the flesh.

So happy they're back!

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