Brand-new Liam Gallagher John Squire Euros 2024 merchandise now available, including the navy blue album artwork football
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Track listing
01. Raise Your Hands
02. Mars To Liverpool
03. One Day At A Time
04. I’m a Wheel
05. Just Another Rainbow
06. Love You Forever
07. Make It Up As You Go Along
08. You're Not The Only One
09. I’m So Bored
10. Mother Nature's Song
Liam Gallagher said of their upcoming record: "I can't wait for people to hear the album. I think the people that are into the Stone Roses and Oasis and that kinda thing, I think they'll fucking love it. It's spiritual, it's crucial. LG x".
John Squire added: “It was really inspiring to have those Knebworth gigs fresh in my mind as I started writing. Then it was a case of trying to steer it away from all being too rocky, and trying to mix up the sentiments as well. I like the way that in some parts, it's quite melancholic and it can make you well up, but there are other parts that are kind of irreverent, rude or crude. There's a little bit of everything in there, I think it's a really good mix. I had a hunch that we’d sound good together, but I wasn’t prepared for it to be such a good fit."